The average house price on GRANGE CLOSE is £338,539
The most expensive house in the street is 5 GRANGE CLOSE with an estimated value of £373,204
The cheapest house in the street is 3 GRANGE CLOSE with an estimated value of £294,693
The house which was most recently sold was 3 GRANGE CLOSE, this sold on 20 Oct 2023 for £288,000
The postcode for GRANGE CLOSE is HD3 3FU
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 GRANGE CLOSE Detached £326,931 £245,000 14 Oct 2016
3 GRANGE CLOSE Semi-Detached £294,693 £288,000 20 Oct 2023
4 GRANGE CLOSE Detached £333,041 £225,000 20 Apr 2015
5 GRANGE CLOSE Detached £373,204 £233,000 9 May 2008
6 GRANGE CLOSE Detached £346,878 £339,000 20 Oct 2023
7 GRANGE CLOSE Detached £356,490 £275,000 25 May 2017